7 Řádků

5 items total
7 Řádků - Pink Label 2022
7 Řádků - Qvevri 2022
7 Řádků - Dark Ages 2022
7 řádků - Black Label 2022


This is a natural micro-winery, which is half located in Němčičky and half in Slovakia. Honza Šlancar and Filip Nagy are behind this interesting project. Together they produce pure wines in tiny batches, but with more diligence and attention to detail. With us, you can taste a cross-section of their entire work, specifically from the year 2019! Each of their wines has an incredible character that you just can't miss. Judge for yourself! In addition, we are the exclusive distributor of this winery, so if you want them in your business, do not hesitate to write to us!

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